Renting a Serviced Office - Frequently Asked Questions

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The decision to hire a serviced office comes with many questions about the conditions we offer. For the sake of our customers, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to dispel any doubts and help you make an informed decision. We offer flexible solutions that we adapt to the individual needs of each company, taking care of the comfort and efficiency of work in our office spaces.

For what period can I rent an office?

Renting a serviced office is a flexible option, tailored to the needs of your business. Our preference is for a minimum rental period of three months. Such a period allows for stable business planning and effective use of office space.

However, we understand that sometimes companies need more flexibility, so we also offer the possibility of renting for one month. However, it is worth remembering that a shorter rental period may be associated with a higher price. This is due to additional operating costs and the need to quickly adapt the space to new tenants.

Our experience shows that most customers opt for twelve-month contracts. Such a period gives the best value for money and stability, which allows for long-term planning and business development. A longer contract also provides greater negotiation opportunities, which can be beneficial when tailoring rental terms to the specific needs of your business.

If you have special requirements for the rental period, we are always open to talking and looking for a solution that will be optimal for your business.

View from the terrace in the office Cluster Warsaw, Sienna 75

What is the ratio of square meters per person?

The coefficient of square meters per person is a key indicator that affects the comfort and functionality of the office space. In our serviced offices, we make sure that each person has enough space to work, which translates into efficiency and convenience for users.

This coefficient can be calculated in two ways: for the entire office and inside individual rented offices.

  1. Coefficient for the whole office:In our offices, we attach great importance to providing the right space for each user. For example, in our office in Warsaw we offer 220 positions on an area of 1880 m². This means that for one person there is an average of about 8.55 m². Such an arrangement guarantees that the space is spacious enough, which supports comfortable and efficient work.
  2. Coefficient inside rented offices:When renting a study, the ratio of square meters per person may vary depending on the specific room and its layout. In our offices, this ratio ranges from 3.7 m² to 5.5 m² per person. This variability is due to the different configurations of the rooms, as well as the ventilation system, which is an important factor affecting the comfort of work.

A lower ratio may be acceptable in smaller offices where individuals or small teams work, but we always make sure that the space is ergonomic and adapted to the needs of the users. It is important that each office meets the standards for the amount of fresh air and ergonomics, which directly affects the well-being and efficiency of work.

All in all, the right square meter per person ratio is a key component that ensures comfort and productivity in our serviced offices. We are always ready to adapt the space to the individual needs of your company to ensure optimal working conditions.

Private office in historic location Cluster Stare Podgorze

Is there access to the office 24/7?

Yes, we offer full access to the office 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you decide to rent a serviced office with us, you gain absolute freedom in organizing your working time. Whether you prefer to work during standard office hours or prefer to carry out your projects at night or on weekends, our offices are available for you whenever you need it.

24/7 access includes not only the rented office space, but also all common areas such as the kitchen, relaxation areas or conference rooms (according to the booking schedule). This gives you full control over when and how you use the facilities available, which is especially important for companies operating in different time zones or with irregular work schedules.

To increase security, all our locations are equipped with modern access control systems and monitoring, which allows safe use of the office at all times. Your privacy and security are our top priority, which is why we ensure that our offices meet the highest standards in this regard.

All in all, by hiring a serviced office from us, you can be sure that you have full, unrestricted access to your workspace, allowing maximum flexibility and tailoring your working hours to your individual needs.

Office facade Cluster Stare Podgorze

What internet options do we offer?

In our serviced offices, we understand how crucial fast and reliable internet is for effective work. That's why we offer three diverse internet packages to suit the different needs and requirements of our customers.

1. Basic Internet (up to 200Mbps):

  • It is a solid option for small teams or companies that use the Internet mainly for browsing websites, email and standard online communication. Up to 200Mbps speed ensures smooth operation and stable connection for everyday office needs.

2. Private Internet with increased speed (up to 300 Mbps):

  • This package is ideal for businesses that require slightly higher bandwidth, such as teams working on projects that require frequent file transfers, high-quality video conferencing, or cloud applications. A private connection with speeds of up to 300 Mbps provides greater reliability and faster access to Internet resources.

3. Private Internet at speeds up to 1 Gbps:

  • This is a solution for businesses that need maximum connection speed and reliability. This suite is ideal for large teams, technology companies or organizations that handle large amounts of data, use powerful online applications, or run high-bandwidth businesses such as streaming, application hosting or advanced data analytics.

If your business has specific network needs, we also offer the option to set up a dedicated private network. We are flexible and ready to customize our web services to give you maximum efficiency and security.

With our Internet packages, you can be sure that your office will have access to fast and reliable internet, which is crucial for the smooth functioning of any modern business. Contact us to choose the option that best suits your business needs.

Meeting room Navy in Cluster Krakow Stare Podgora

How many hours of conference room access is available?

Access to a conference room is an essential part of renting a serviced office, especially if your company regularly hosts meetings, presentations or training. In our serviced offices we try to provide flexibility and adapt the offer to the needs of each tenant.

1. Standard access to conference rooms:

  • The number of hours of access to the conference room depends on the size of the rented office. For smaller offices, with several workstations, we offer a specific pool of hours that allows for regular but small meetings. For example, when renting an office for five people, the number of hours of access to the conference rooms is proportional to the number of seats rented. This means that you get the right number of hours to use your meeting space depending on the size of your office.

2. Larger offices with dedicated conference room:

  • When renting larger office spaces, you can count on greater flexibility in access to meeting rooms. Often for large offices, we offer access to a private, dedicated conference room, which is available exclusively. This option is ideal for companies that regularly organize large meetings, team sessions or presentations for clients and need constant access to the conference room.

3. Customization of the offer to individual needs:

  • We understand that every company has different requirements, so we offer the possibility to adapt the number of hours of access to the meeting rooms to suit your individual needs. If your company needs more meeting time, we are open to negotiations to provide you with the right amount of hours or more access to meeting rooms within your leased space.

In summary, the number of hours available for use of meeting rooms is flexible and depends on the size of the rented office. We are ready to customize the offer to meet the expectations of your business, whether you need occasional access or dedicated space on a permanent basis.


Renting a serviced office in our locations is a guarantee of flexibility, comfort and professionalism. Whether your business needs a short-term office, access to meeting rooms, or a dedicated internet package, we are ready to meet your requirements. Our goal is to provide a space that supports the growth of your business and enables you to work effectively every day. If you have additional questions or would like to discuss rental details, feel free to get in touch — we're here to help.


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tel. +48 726 55 04 04 or +48 726 006 600


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